Beet, Carrot & Orange
Beets have been shown to increase the levels of antioxidants enzymes in the body, as well as white blood cells, responsible for eliminating abnormal cells and free radicals that cause damage in aging to our body.
Carrots contain a lot of antioxidants, which help prevent the appearance of signs of aging, and help keep the skin firm and wrinkle-free.
Pineapple, Apple & Ginger
Among the benefits of apples we highlight the high level of vitamins and flavonoids, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
The benefits it brings to treat throat infections and inflammations are priceless. It contains vitamin C which helps with cold and flu symptoms.
Grapefruit, Orange, Carrot & Ginger
For being a natural antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory fruit, grapefruit is a good fruit to strengthen the immune system.
Carrots are filled with beta carotene and vitamin A, the strong antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage and lower the risk of some diseases.
Ginger has tremendous benefits for the immune system, so it helps prevent colds and flus to develop.
Beet, Carrot, Apple, Celery & Ginger
Its high beta-cyanine contents have an important function. Beta cyanin prevents tumor growth in patients with breast and prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by Howard University in Washington.
According to a report published by WHO in 2014 carrots are one of the foods with the most anticancer properties. This is due to its high level of carotenoids, substances that give it that orange color and prevent cancers such as lung cancer or breast cancer.
Celery reduces acidity and gastric secretion, contributing to preventing stomach ulcers.
Ginger has been found to have strong anti-cancerous capabilities thanks to the presence of a compound called 6-gingerol.
Spinach, Beet, Carrot & Apple
Beets is considered a vegetable with a high content of soluble fiber, which makes it a natural laxative regularizing intestinal movement. It also serves as a cleanser and detoxifier for the body.
Carrots are also a good source of fiber, so it works as a natural laxative and prevents constipation.
Apple, Grapes, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Ginger & Lemon